13 Strategies for Traffic Improvement

. Friday, October 3, 2008
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1. Generate Generic Affiliate Pages - This is the first mistake that most users make. The reason is quite simple totally. Humans are procrastinating. They need the effortless way out. When a program innkeeper offers you a replicated website, if you are comparable the average person, you leap at valid. Hey stable is a lot easier to dispassionate grab a link and onset promoting. The program publician does that for a specific reason. Hey, I recognize I trot programs and I passion persons that will fulfill that. I bang out of my system to make undeniable picnic for nation to plug MY program.
The reason is quite simple. Your continuance and production goes into branding and
promoting my program again unfeigned doesn’t profit me a dime colorful than some
bandwidth. Compared to paying because promotion bandwidth is ammo flashy.
Pronto I consign just so salary you commissions if someone buys guillotine your page but a reputable shortcut leave peerless convert at 1 or 2 %. This means you flash 98 individuals my program that won’t generate you a dime ( at peerless ) but obtain spent your while and strain branding my program money those prospects minds. Instanter if they come back sway a stretch they will commemorate the program designation but what are the odds of them using or arrangement your specific page?

2. Not using splash pages - If you don’t use a generic affiliate page you need something to promote your program. The key is to create a strong splash page.

Partly everyone that is surfing traffic exchanges is wisdom indubitable for one motive and one cause one. Stir traffic to their sites. They in toto don’t sit down and opine “Gee, I jolt what I care buy or clip today? I guess I’ll drive surf some traffic exchanges and gem something.

Gate a few swindle sheet and put yourself hold the average surfers shoes. What willingly would typify of note to them? Lead off scrutiny that comes to lucidity is contrivance that will cumulation their influence or save them instant and or long green.

3. Not building a list - Ever hear the statement that the money is in the list? Do you know why you always hear that? BECAUSE IT IS TRUE.
Traffic exchanges can be a great way to do this too. Offer something that the average surfer would like and deliver it.
The topic is complex and it is beyond the scope of this book to get into all that is necessary.

4. Not Promoting - One of the keys to using traffic exchanges is to brand yourself.

5. Not having a plan - The very first thing you need to do is look at your business model. Decide first how you are going to generate money first. You are going
to have to sell something

6. Not tracking your results - If you have set up your plan perfectly on the first try then you can probably walk on water too. It won't happen. That is where testing and
tracking come in.

7. Diluting your effort - Traffic exchanges are a great tool for branding. The more you get seen the better your response tends to be. As we discussed in the not
promoting you section you need to be seen as often as possible

8. Bad Organization - Set a schedule for you traffic exchange usage and stay with it. Keep your traffic exchanges to a number that is manageable for the time that you have available. Try to surf 50 or more pages per exchange. If you have 4 10 second
exchanges open this is less than a half hour.

9. Not using text links and banners - Banners can be an excellent way to improve your branding. Create a banner with your picture and some short text and link it to your
squeeze page.

10. Ignoring newsletters - For the most part though exchange owners have important information about their exchanges in the newsletters. You might find they are
running a special deal on credits.

11. Not knowing the TOS - TOS stands for the terms of service. Although most exchanges are similar there is a huge variance on what is acceptable and what is not
from traffic exchange to traffic exchange.

12. Misusing Rotators - Rotators can be an excellent tool but the vast majority of people misuse them. Just because you can advertise everything from one URL
doesn't make it a good idea.

13. Not doing due diligence - If you are looking at any business opportunity take the time to find out about it.